19 septembra
Time:20:00 - 23:00
Event Category: Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/excite-space-rock-thursday-tickets-980433331487Prulček / Zavod Prule
Prulček - live music venue
2 Prijateljeva ulica, 1000 Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SI, 1000
Nova sezona četrtkovih Excite! večerov se začenja s potovanjem skozi čas in prostor, ko vas Julijan Erič in prijatelji popeljejo v svet krautrocka in psihedelije. Ta večer bo poklon pionirjem glasbe, ki so v 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja odpirali nove poti in ustvarjali zvoke, ki so še danes sveži in inovativni.
Pripravite se na dve uri zvočnih eksperimentov, ki bodo razširili meje vaše percepcije. Ponavljajoči se vzorci, hipnotični ritmi in improvizirane sekvence vas bodo popeljali v trans in prebudili vašo domišljijo.
Ne zamudite priložnosti, da doživite ta edinstveni dogodek in se prepustite toku zvoka. Ta koncert je za vse, ki hrepenite po glasbi, ki presega ustaljene okvire, in cenite nepredvidljivo ter svobodno umetniško izražanje.
- Lado Jakša – klaviature, pihala
- Žiga Korenčič – bas kitara
- Zlatko Djogič – bobni
- Julijan Erič – kitara, vokal
The new season of Thursday Excite! evenings kicks off with a journey through time and space, as Julijan Erič and friends take you into the world of krautrock and psychedelia. This night is a tribute to the pioneers of music who, in the 1970s, broke new ground and created sounds that remain fresh and innovative today.
Get ready for two hours of sonic experiments that will push the boundaries of your perception. Repetitive patterns, hypnotic rhythms, and improvised sequences will transport you into a trance and awaken your imagination.
Don’t miss the chance to experience this unique event and immerse yourself in the flow of sound. This concert is for everyone who craves music that goes beyond the usual boundaries and appreciates the unpredictable and free artistic expression.
- Lado Jakša – keyboards, woodwinds
- Žiga Korenčič – bass guitar
- Zlatko Djogič – drums
- Julijan Erič – guitar, vocals